Monday, February 9, 2009

Wild Weekend, 3 shows, interviews, taping, production crew

First big round of applause and thanks to WonderBoy Productions, out of NYC! Megan, Andy, Collin and Donna, you guys were great! I really felt like you were part of the process, rather than being in the way as we were working. I had feelings that our regular routine would have really been all wacked out, but it all went well.

That being said it was "way different" having a crew around filming us all weekend. Doing interviews and having to critique performance and stuff was something else. Made me look at the process in a different way. Seeing how the different shots worked and how the cameras were placed gave me an idea of what reality shows must be like, multiplied by ten probably. Having two cameras was enough for this weekend.

Interviewing was actually fun. talking about the paranormal stuff with people who were somewhat unfamiliar (and in some cases {Donna} a bit weirded out by the whole thing. Spooked, if you will. Plus getting to talk about all the different aspects of my life made me realize all the stuff I pack into a day that the average person doesn't.

We found out that the trailer they are going to produce is only going to be about 5 minutes long. That's what the networks will see to decide the fate of the show (and us, at least at this point in time) Seems like they must have shot at least 15 hours worth of video, if not more. How do they decide what stays or goes? They also said if the series doesn't work out they have enough to do a documentary on us, which may be what happens. That could lead to a series later.

On another front, in another month we will be taking part in a comedy festival, I think in Harrisburg. Three troupes will be performing and it's going to be recorded and chopped into segments for MindTV, (the MTV for intelligent people)
More tv exposure, so shows should start to sell more tickets, which would be nice.

Lots more to tell about the weekend, but as always, time is short.

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