Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bite Nite - Final Shoot

The last scene for the film Bite Nite was shot on Sunday afternoon, just prior to the Super Bowel. Wow, did I just write bowel instead of bowl? Did you know that super bowl is copyrighted and radio stations and talk shows, dj’s and all those sorts of folks aren’t even supposed to use the phrase super bowl? That’s why they say things like “The Big Game” and other nonsense. That is actually true, not something I made up. Really! For once the game wasn’t a blow out (those games would fit the super bowel phrase) It was great seeing the Saints win it all. I love when underdogs win. Speaking of underdogs…

Bite Nite. This is where I started and dagnabbit I am going to write about it now. We filmed the groundbreaking scene to build the hospital, which is quite a climax in this film, I must say. I had the ‘brilliant’ idea for someone to make a snow angel to celebrate the occasion, and they thought it would be funny if the priest did that. Of course, I didn’t agree, but there I was in my nifty white collar making a snow angel. Woowee that’s comedy there, I tell ya.
Father Fangula

I have a couple shots of me as Father Fangula. (What a name. Since I was fighting the vampires in this spoof, maybe I should have been Father DeFangula, but I didn’t write this one) One of the shots is me conducting the eulogy for one of my dearly departed Vangels. (that’s a girl child who is the offspring of a human woman and a vampire) sort of a Vamp – Angel. (again, I did not make this up)

The ground breaking scene was shot with an actual LA actress who was flown in for the part. Lara Cardinal. I’d never heard of her, but she’s the “queen of the B movie screamers” or some such title. She was very nice and the group of us (the talent – oh, yeah) had an interesting conversation. I came up with a great line for a werewolf to say to his date “play your cards right and there could be a new fur coat in this for you” (now that’s funny)

I think the release date for this movie is October – timed for Halloween – and it’s a straight to DVD thing, although we may have a local premier – renting a theater for cast, friends family and kind critics.