Monday, April 19, 2010

Flash Forward – Results and Fate

What would you do if you caught a glimpse of your future? This is the premise of a TV show called Flash Forward, and the people are caught up in a “is this fate or can I change things?”

Each of us has within us the power to change our future. It’s a question of whether you step up and deny the things that you are told are your future, if you disagree with them, or the steps you take to assure that future, if it looks good and agrees with you. What does this have to do with fitness, health and nutrition?

My father died of a stroke. His mother died of a brain aneurism, which is, simply put, caused by the blockage of blood to the brain, for one reason or another, generally having to do with fatty deposits in the blood stream. My brother, in his forties had to have heart bypass surgery. Are these signs of thing to come in my future? Do I sit back and call it fate or do I become proactive to try to bypass a bypass?

We see a sign on a pack of cigarettes: “May Cause Cancer” again, a predictor of potential future events, yet people ignore it. While walking people will not cross the street against the flow of traffic because the impact (literally) could be right now, but future impact is not so important. Ah, it could happen. It’ll never happen to me. I know of a guy who lived into his eighties who… Yet there are more examples of people in their fifties and sixties (and much younger) who have emphysema and cancer, but we’ll ignore those cases and focus on the anomaly.

Or you can choose to have a few drinks at a party and know that “I’m OK to drive, it’s only a few drinks” while not recognizing that the first thing to be impaired is our judgment. Prior to the drink we know not to drink and drive yet we do it. And I am not on some high horse here, or speaking from my soapbox, as I have been as guilty as anyone of ignoring these facts.

In the show, people are given a gift (or a curse) of knowing some small piece of their future. Some shrug their shoulders and continue doing what they were doing, or they had a glimpse of the mundane, so why would they drastically alter their lives and plans, but we who have only the future we are building and dreaming of should know that every step we take is one step down the path to that future.

Sometimes events happen in your life that really make you step back and re-assess what direction you are going, or what your goals are, but shouldn’t we be doing that anyway. Does a near fatal accident have to occur to make you appreciate the ones in your life that love and appreciate you? Beginning each day with just a few moments of gratitude can shine a light into what may currently seem a dreary world. Focusing on the positive things can make them grow. You never will pick up a idea that you don’t reach for.
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