way too much has happened recently to blog it all. Biggest news is that I completed Improv training and Sketch Writing at Second City in Chicago! woo
Met a ton of excellent people and got to know Adam and Andi better. Very interesting trip.
bit of my sketch writing (draft)
yesterday in writing we did an exercise where we deconstructed a fairy tale and then wrote a sequel. Mine was Goldilocks and the sequel was this ten point thing
1. Goldi’s mother Ravenlocks hears about the slaughter of her daughter
2. RL finds a gunsmith and test fires weapons
3. Bazookas were too loud
4. Lasers were too bright
5. chooses a M1A1 rifle with 30 round banana clip and M203 grenade launcher
6. finds cabin and kicks in door like she’s Chuck Norris
7. spray kitchen with all 30 rounds turning mama and baby bear into ground bear meat
8. drop rolls into living room and blast grenade at Papa bear. blows him to smitherines
9. fires up their grill
10. has bear bar b q
went to see a cerazy number of acts while I was there. One highlight was Susan Messing and Frank Caliando. Amazing long form show at THE ANNOYANCE.
I also wanted to add a link to my Headshot/resume. feel free to pass this on to anyone looking to hire a dedicated professional gifted actor and comic genius. (that would be me) Oh, did I mention modest? And a total team player. call me.
Alumnus Celebrates A Decade of Recovery
7 years ago
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