Saturday, February 2, 2008

Upline support Open hearts and home

It's really incredible. Heshie and Werner, my mentors in USANA have opened up their minds and their home this weekend. They invited 18 people to a four day boot camp to teach us some of their skills. Heshie is a speaker and motivator and prior president of the national speakers association and owner of the JetNetting Connection. Werner recently became the oldest westerner to climb Mount Everest at age 69!! he did management training for fortune 500 executives and is a totally amazing person. They brought us into their home for the bootcamp and are pouring their experience and knowledge into us. (there is also talk of another camp for leadership)

think about that - a four day camp with two recognized experts - in their home - spending the night there, eating laughing sharing, learning, growing. free. (everyone pitched in for food and such...)
How many people have that support in their organization? I've never heard of anything like it before. would you be interested in having support like that...with a product that is independently rated as the best in north america?

Many companies claim to have the best product and have endorsements of celebrities and doctors, but how many are independently judged as being the best of the best? there can be only one...

contact me if you are willing to work hard to secure a phenomenal financial and healthy future for yourself and your family.

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