A parallel story to my alien hand article is something from "the Master Key System" and "Mentors in Motion" called the Captain and Crew.
The Captain is your conscious mind, the crew, your subconscious mind. Who calls the shots?
So often it is your subconscious mind, unfortunately. How much of what you do and who you are, is determined by echos of the past? Do you feel ugly because some kid in seventh grade called you ugly on a regular basis? (even though it wasn't true) the mental beating of those events scarred me for years. I had no self esteem. All the times people gave compliments didn't help to overcome the echos of "hey ugly."
I had to have my captain order my crew to stop believing those untrue things that were trapped deep inside. It wasn't an easy battle in my mind, and really sometimes that echo still surfaces.
I have trouble sometimes talking to people about business. Will they be offended that I am wanting to improve their lives? No. They'll say no if they are not interested, and won't think anything more about it. yet somehow, sometimes that fear of rejection still holds me back. Even though I have people e-mailing me their phone numbers, sometimes I still hesitate. They want me to call.
Luckily I am getting past that. I think it was from doing lots of cold calls and having rejection slap me in the face. No more. It's nothing personal, I know that, as the captain. The crew is getting the order. We are moving on.
The Master Key System is the basis for the movie "The Secret" and that movie changed my live. It made me realize that I am in control and self mastery was the first step to massive success.
Alumnus Celebrates A Decade of Recovery
7 years ago
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