Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. My parents had this saying hanging on the wall. The words were written on a small plate that was inserted into a tiny cast iron pan. My one brother thought that was the coolest thing and always said that when my parents died and we divvied up the estate that was all he wanted. He's not very materialistic, which is good, because in the past he couldn't take care of shit. Now his motto is 'one day at a time', so you can take the implication and you would be right. He's a better man and the brother I am closest to. In the past I, at times, thought he was the biggest asshole on the planet, and he'd agree, then and now. But, it was the booze talking. most likely beer.

Anyway getting back to the point of this (yeah, some of these have a point) I was looking at a Dale Carnegie book, the "Golden Book" which is his list of 'rules to live by' or something like that, and I came across the rule to live in day-tight compartments. I thought I knew what this meant, but I figured I'd do some research.

It sorta came from the Bible, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:34). Now I am not much for the Bible, but there is a lot of good stuff in there. Lots of crap, too, so don't think I am preaching. far from that, but the point is made that you need to live in the moment.

This is big in all the new-age stuff as well. This isn't live for today, for tomorrow may not come, as in live in excess and don't be concerned for the future, but more cherish the moment and the day that you are in and don't let yesterday's memories or tomorrow's potential problems destroy what you have right now.

I am living in gratitude and was meditating on all the good things that I have. Cherishing my wife and children, family, home, job, stuff, possibilities. It's all out there. Do we remember in every moment all the good that is in our lives? no. But we can try. I was gripping my favorite gratitude rock and feeling the smoothness of it. The wearing that has taken place since I've had it.

One birthday present I got from my youngest son a few years ago was a gratitude rock. I knew at that point that whatever else happened to him or to me, in this life, that we had a connection and that I had done some things, probably lots of things, right. I knew he cared about me and actually paid attention to what I was into. that's really cool. It also seems the pod people have returned my youngest daughter. She is back to being more loving and caring and I appreciate that a lot.

"Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come, but we have this moment today." I tried to find who this quote was from, but it seems to be attached to many, so I'll thank the universe for it.

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