Thursday, January 15, 2009

Elementary, my dear watson, school that is....

Nearly every day I drive past the school where I attended kindergarten. It’s a small building which at the time housed grades one through four and class sizes of around 20 or 25 students. At least that is my recollection of the school. I had an odd journey through elementary school.
I went to that school for kindergarten, third and fourth grades attended a different school for first, second and fifth grade and then another school for sixth grade. In addition, I attended a fourth school for summer school one year, I think between third and fourth grade, maybe.

Why exactly, I am not sure. I know the school was overcrowded at one point, but then why did I return to it? I was also invited to attend a program for gifted children, but apparently my parents let me decide not to attend. That is a mystery to me. My memory of it was that I didn’t pass the entrance interview, but my mother told me the other version recently when somehow all this came up.
The upside of all that elementary turmoil was that I knew almost everyone when the various schools were united in the single middle school.

Why am I blogging about this? I have no idea. I am trying to find a focus for my life now and somehow I think reflecting on the past may help with that. Maybe not.

My earliest career thoughts were to be a marine biologist or a writer. In 9th grade I failed biology and somehow got involved in electronics and decided to go to vo-tech. That was against my guidance councilor’s advice, but somehow my parents let me make that decision. Again, that seems a bit odd, but I’ve always been very – hmm, I’m trying to think of a word meaning pig headed or stubborn that is positive - how about willful? I guess that’ll do, pig.

I was a bit discouraged with my writing in 7th grade. Somehow that made me give up the pen. Why did I pick it up years later?

Writers write. Whether anyone ever reads or not, I’m told writers write. I sure have written a lot of stuff that hasn’t been widely read, so I guess that saying holds true.

Now I am performing the improv and thinking about stand-up; a progression from all the shows at the theater I guess. Plus I am writing a musical. Plus I do paranormal investigation for fun. Plus I have a business selling the best supplements on the planet. Plus I have a job where I do training. Plus plus plus plus.

So the need for focus arises. But what do I focus on? Things that I enjoy, knowing that money will follow? Or do I focus on money, so I can just relax and enjoy it once it is flowing in? Or do I blog on three different websites, feel unfocused, do my hobby/hobbies, hope the entertainment stuff pays off, work a traditional job, hope for Deb to make a fortune, what to do…. AAAaaaaahhhhh!

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