Saturday, January 24, 2009
Intertwined and Why?
And you know it most likely isn't anyone you would choose to see. I would love to run into my buddy Kenny or Brian from high school, but no. I'll see someone who I have no interest in seeing. Over and over. It's like groundhog day, the movie with Bill Murray. (I love that movie. Transformation of character is the best underlying plot, I think)
So here it is. This is a feeble example, but I knew this kid, Larry, when I was growing up. Now, if you read many of my blog entries you are thinking, another fucking Larry? Not even a pseudonym, oddly enough I have known I think 4 or 5 Larry's in my life.
Anyway this Larry is like a bully-type, but we are sort of friends. We went fishing together a lot, and he would catch the tiniest fish, keep them and eat them. I'm talkinga filet the size of a quarter. Weird.
Maybe five years later I run into him on my way to basic training at a bus station. He's on his way to juvenile detention or something. The start of his criminal career. This is the guy I see every ten years or so. I read about him in the paper, latest crime, picked up for X, whatever.
When I see him occasionally in public, I don't talk to him. He probably doesn't recognize me, but I have a great memory for people. Not always names, but faces and stories I remember.
So why is it that we see people like this? Is there some intertwined destiny? This guy doesn't want my help. Am I supposed to learn something from him? I don't know. Maybe the last appearance will be the last time I ever see him. Or maybe next time I'll say hi.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Red Head Island Mystery
I will amend that statement to say that there are very few people whose hair, identified independently simply as a color, would be considered red. Red is a rose (well some of them) or red is a jeep (mine) or a red hot lover (which a red head most probably is… unless they’re not.)
Ginger. Now that I like. I myself have hair that once upon a time was considered red, now the glory has faded into a brown-red and actually leaning toward gray a bit (temple-wise). Luckily my eyebrows have continued the tradition, as it began.
Ginger is one of my very favorite roots. Ginger ale is not my favorite soda, Dr. Pepper actually seems sort of reddish and that is my favorite. Is that a coincidence? I just don’t know. Ginger, the burn on my tongue, the sweet burn and enjoyable bite of it. I love it. And a radish by any other name is just as fine. Horse or no, a spicy bite that makes your tongue jump up and yelp. Yes that is a fine sensation.
Friday, January 16, 2009
new musical
The basic story has also been set down. So now the hard part begins. I need to have realistic dialogue and story progress. It needs to be interesting enough to hold the attention of the audience. I have total confidence in the music and the songs. I also have total confidence in the plot and dialogue eventually.
As a noob though, I am nervous about how well it is all going to proceed. Is this going to take me years or months? Months.
I need to set aside time to work on this every week, if not every day.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Elementary, my dear watson, school that is....
Nearly every day I drive past the school where I attended kindergarten. It’s a small building which at the time housed grades one through four and class sizes of around 20 or 25 students. At least that is my recollection of the school. I had an odd journey through elementary school.
I went to that school for kindergarten, third and fourth grades attended a different school for first, second and fifth grade and then another school for sixth grade. In addition, I attended a fourth school for summer school one year, I think between third and fourth grade, maybe.
Why exactly, I am not sure. I know the school was overcrowded at one point, but then why did I return to it? I was also invited to attend a program for gifted children, but apparently my parents let me decide not to attend. That is a mystery to me. My memory of it was that I didn’t pass the entrance interview, but my mother told me the other version recently when somehow all this came up.
The upside of all that elementary turmoil was that I knew almost everyone when the various schools were united in the single middle school.
Why am I blogging about this? I have no idea. I am trying to find a focus for my life now and somehow I think reflecting on the past may help with that. Maybe not.
My earliest career thoughts were to be a marine biologist or a writer. In 9th grade I failed biology and somehow got involved in electronics and decided to go to vo-tech. That was against my guidance councilor’s advice, but somehow my parents let me make that decision. Again, that seems a bit odd, but I’ve always been very – hmm, I’m trying to think of a word meaning pig headed or stubborn that is positive - how about willful? I guess that’ll do, pig.
I was a bit discouraged with my writing in 7th grade. Somehow that made me give up the pen. Why did I pick it up years later?
Writers write. Whether anyone ever reads or not, I’m told writers write. I sure have written a lot of stuff that hasn’t been widely read, so I guess that saying holds true.
Now I am performing the improv and thinking about stand-up; a progression from all the shows at the theater I guess. Plus I am writing a musical. Plus I do paranormal investigation for fun. Plus I have a business selling the best supplements on the planet. Plus I have a job where I do training. Plus plus plus plus.
So the need for focus arises. But what do I focus on? Things that I enjoy, knowing that money will follow? Or do I focus on money, so I can just relax and enjoy it once it is flowing in? Or do I blog on three different websites, feel unfocused, do my hobby/hobbies, hope the entertainment stuff pays off, work a traditional job, hope for Deb to make a fortune, what to do…. AAAaaaaahhhhh!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Kids and Chores
I told my son to shovel the walkway. It had a bit of ice and a little snow, and when I got back from the gym there was a slight trail where he had drug the shovel along.
He did get out there and do something, so I guess I should be happy that something got done. I had him go back out and re-do it. That may have to happen a third time.
I am thinking about re-posting my old blog here. I was one of the early boggers. Before we were even known as bloggers. I posted in GeoCities, but stopped when they put out a notice that all the content posted belonged to them, not to the poster. I had a fairly well followed blog that chronicaled my days as a single dad looking for love, or at least a relationship, or sometimes just a warm attractive body to hold. It told of meeting my wife and our early days. Don't know if they'll be any interest, but it's only on paper now. Maybe time to expose that old material to the world.
any thoughts?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
One Day at a Time
It is tough doing what you know you ought to be doing, but it is also infinitely rewarding. I heard from the guys at the steel mill that I was sucking up to the boss by bidding on jobs and taking courses to improve my situation, but when layoffs came around, I had a job and some of those guys were standing in the unemployment line. Taking those classes at night and taking care of two kids as a single father. That didn’t come easy.
Developing your will power doesn’t come easy either. It’s one step at a time and one day at a time. One thing I do admire about folks in AA is that they know challenges and are working to overcome them. One day at a time, not the old show starring Bonnie Franklin, but this is your life, one day at a time.
Taking that first drink is easy, avoiding it is hard. Taking that second drink, shit, you are thinking about that before the first one is even done. Will power is not taking that first drink. That way the second drink doesn’t even come into the picture.
Why am I talking about AA? Because life is all about choices and making the hard choice becomes easier the more you do it. Do you want to lose weight? Choose to eat less and move more. Do you want to have your own successful business? Learn, think and do more. Find people who have done what you want to do, whatever it is, and emulate them. It’s easier walking down a beaten path, than cutting your own path, but cut your own path if there isn’t one to follow.
I really like desserts, but I tell people that I don’t because it’s easier than explaining every time that I am staying in shape. Whatever tools you use to get to the goals you set for yourself are shaped by your desire and your will. Ethical decisions are ones you never have to regret and choosing the right path becomes easier the more you do it. It might never become easy, but it does become easier. Thanks Ringo!