Saturday, December 6, 2008

Aerobic Exercise and Heart Health

I have talked before about burning calories is accomplished through the movement of mass over a given distance, and that means that running or walking two miles gives you the same caloric burn. That is just physics talking, and research has shown it to be true.

However that does not take into account the benefits of higher heart rate that will come with jogging, running or any other activity that raises your beats per minute. Aerobic exercise has been proven to reduce your standing heart rate and that is a good thing. Consistent aerobic exercise has also been proven to have a positive impact on blood pressure. Some folks have actually reduced or eliminated the need for blood pressure medication through exercise and proper nutrition. Proper nutrition for pretty much everybody includes taking vitamin and mineral supplements.

Although there still are many people who won't admit that supplements help your body's overall health, even the American Medical Association has finally come on board. According to an article written in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2002, "people who get enough vitamins may be able to prevent such common chronic illnesses as cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis."

20 years prior to that, they were still of the opinion that people could get all the nutrition they needed from eating healthy. With the depletion of our soils, this is no longer the case. The soils in this country, aided by artificial means, are growing beautiful looking plants, but the plants no longer contain the nutrition they once did. With the depletion of the micronutrients in the soil, there isn't much for the roots to draw up into the plants we eat. Some people think that they can bypass that by eating organic foods, but most of the farms that are growing organic, still have not been able to replenish the soil to the degree it had 50 years ago.

I have said in other articles, and I stand by this firmly, that unless you supplement your diet with quality nutritional supplements, your body cannot function to its highest levels. Quality supplements have both the quantity of ingredients you need, and those ingredients are obsorbed by your body in the digestive processes. Unfortunately many multivitamins don't meet those requirements. I urge you to do research on what you are taking, and don't take the manufacturer's word as gold. Anything you are taking should be independently verified as both containing the ingredients listed on the label and that those ingredients are bio-available.

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