Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Crazy . Rocky Horror, Army Wives

It is hell week for Rocky Horror. That means the drama is amped up and we are all in crunch mode. This also impacted my income, as I had to turn down a days work on Army Wives.

Oh, yeah, I am working as an actor on the series Army Wives. We are filming season six now in North Charleston and various nearby locations. No one reads this blog, so I can honestly say I totally enjoy working on set and find the whole process fascinating. Wish I was more than background, but on my first day I had personal interaction with two of the main characters, so maybe my FEMA agent will someday have a word. not even thinking an entire line, but maybe just a word or two to start. we'll see.

I lost my password here, so the entries were interrupted for a while. In that time I have moved from Pennsylvania to Charleston, South Carolina (my ideal spot on the planet) live near the beach and am now an empty nester. Not too much change, huh?

life is great, but I wish I had steady work on Army Wives and that some of my online income would grow... is my new ghostwriting site, plus I am again bidding on projects on GURU. blah. Plus making some new videos on youtube, my other "cash cow"

Monday, July 25, 2011


So anyway the other night we were watching "So you think you can dance" and I have to say some of those crazy bitches can dance!

And they are dancing with a fierceness only matched by the honey badger when the honey badger is really pissed off, y'all. I am not even kidding at all when I say that, and believe me you, there is a bit of jealousy and no sarcasm to that comment whatsonever.

Honey badger kicks some ass, but those crazy women on SYTYCD are just kicking some guys asses all over that stage. I wish I had a wide screen TV so I could see what kind of shenanigans is going on backstage. Don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about. You have to have the wide screen with the special remote that allows you to choose the camera angle and which feed you are getting. I saw it at our friend's house and they have one of those double projectors mounted in the ceiling. They have a double projector TV mounted in the fucking ceiling. OMFG. the second projector is all about the backstage action, and let's just say that there is no censor on those cameras. I think they have a special pay per spew type deal with DirectDishTV. Cause that channel dishes the news on those bitches. That should be the new show. So You Think You Can Dance and Dish on the Bitches. I would so watch that one, you know I'm totally serious now.

Actually it should be a whole channel or network or whatever the fuck you want to call it; all about So You Think You Can _______. wait I don't mean any of the shows would be so you think you can fill in the blank. But so you think you can Dance, Sing, Perform, Be Sarcastic, Write Funny Shit, watch Youtube better than me. So you think you can Porn Star. So You Think You Can be Cleverer.

Wow, that would kick the O network's ass. That brings up the question, would the O networks ass fluctuate in size like Oprah's does? You can comment on that, or anything.. and I might read it.

Does Oprah like opera?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Slavery and the KKK" meet "Hats"

This past weekend I appeared in a local production called “Hats.” It is loosely based on the poem by Dr. Joe Cornelius and is being performed in honor of black history month. I played first a slave catcher, then an assistant at a slave auction and finally a member of the KKK hanging a black man for looking at a white woman.

Needless to say it is not a fun set of roles, but someone has to do it. But it really is horrible. I have to keep telling myself that there is a purpose to my part, and I understand it is educational, but I really really don’t like it and it makes me very uncomfortable. I can easily say that this is not my history, and that most of my ancestors weren’t in this country during the times represented, but it still is part of the shame of our country.

I am glad that the rest of the cast (mostly black) are understanding and sympathetic and realize that it is just a role, but some of the kids have looked at me in that KKK robe and been taken aback. That makes me feel bad. Other kids think I am playing a ghost and that makes me feel bad in a different way.

It also makes me think about encounters I’ve had with racism, and I can honestly say that I have stood up against it publicly a few times and it has cost me relationships. Obviously they were relationships that were formed while not knowing the person’s inner thoughts on equality. I’ve had the same experiences with gay bashing as well. I mean, what year is it going to be when people realize that people are people?

People are born the way they are born. If that means you are straight, gay, black, white, or whatever. At least be tolerant and quiet if you can’t be accepting. But really I think it mostly just takes getting to know people who aren’t like you, and then coming to know them as people, and not as “what they are.” I was mostly always “tolerant” of gay and lesbian folks, but until I got into theater and got to know more of them did I become totally accepting. I think the same thing happened to me in the military with accepting people of other races.

Prior to that, I didn’t really know too many people of other races and was okay with them, but just didn’t have the familiarity to fully accept. that may sound a little strange, but we all evolve over time (well, most of us) and become new people. My early self would probably be boggled at what I’ve become, but it’s gradual change over time to become that which you aspire towards..

And on a totally different note, here's my latest comedy video. Sort of a "spinal tap" flavor, or "the rutles"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Best thing I ever found

I've found a lot of things over the course of my life. How to narrow this down to the "best thing ever" found?

When I went to Salt Lake City in 2007 for a USANA convention I didn't know what to expect. Well, the convention itself was pretty amazing. Great speakers, motivational talks, sales instruction; all the sort of things you would expect, plus a concert by REO Speedwagon. The concert was pretty good, but how did those guys get so old? I mean I haven't aged a day in twenty years. (thanks to premium supplements and a healthy lifestyle) OK. I've aged a bit, but those guys had some miles on them. But I digress.

After all the events were done my wife and I were walking back to our hotel and I spotted a rock in the gutter. It was a little rock. Not like Arkansas, but a little rock nonetheless. I picked it up and noticed that it was a green piece of quartz with a white stripe going through the middle of it. Now most people might ignore it, or pick it up and then put it down, but I stuck it in my pocket. I knew immediately that it was a gratitude rock.

A gratitude rock is the kind of a rock that you can put in your pocket and every time you stick your hand in there, it reminds you of everything you have going for you. If you're wearing tight trousers it may remind you that it is there even without your hand going in there. Either way you get a reminder.

The things that most people complain about aren't even worthwhile. I mean think about the last thing you were down about. Was it that your belly was aching because you haven't had a meal in two days? Was it that you had to sleep under a bridge to stay out of the rain or snow? Odds are it was because you couldn't find a parking space, or you got a ticket, or you had to work late. Or a meal at a restaurant was not up to some standard you hold dear.

Every time I start to feel down about something I try to remember that rock and think about the positive things that I have that many people around the world don't. Yes, I can access the internet at high bit rate and I have a roof over my head and eat regularly. But I also have to think that I have a wonderful wife, and loving extended family and friends who are there for me in all circumstances.

I have clothes on my back and heat in my home. Wow, I have a home to live in that has "extra" rooms and blankets and cable TV and running water. I have light to read by and books that are waiting for me. And a library system to supply me with free books, music and movies.

I have a government that mostly stays off my back. No gunfire around here or bombs exploding. I am grateful I am not in Egypt or Iraq at the moment, or in any of a hundred places at different levels of war. The food I eat would probably feed two or three people in a third world country and the food I throw away because it's gone bad before I get to it would probably feed another.

What is the best thing I've found? It's not really that rock, but it is the things that I sometimes take for granted that the rock reminds me of.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Writing Blahs

I know you have to write "for yourself" and not for others. It's like losing weight. If you're going to go on a diet, get in shape, whatever, it has to be an internal choice, not a choice to please someone else, but you know sometimes you need approval or validation or whatever. Especially when other aspects of your life are not going well.

I've been unemployed for a while now and really searching hard for a job, and not finding one. So you add that to the fact that I am feeling like my self-esteem is drowning regarding my writing, validation-wise anyway, and things are not looking up.

Money is tight, so I can't easily afford to mail out my screenplay to someone who requested it. (a production company) Or afford to print hard copies, and mail them.. grrr. And then I get a short unemployment check, and a chance to audition for a tv pilot, but I don't want to spend money on gas to get there, for a chance to earn 250 over five days and maybe the pilot gets picked up...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where have all the flowers gone?

I was searching through blogs trying to figure out how to promote and eventually get my screenplay produced. While I was doing that I realized there are so many abandoned blogs out there. I mean you look at something. Just for kicks we'll call it a blog post, and it is really interesting.

This is someone who can really write and has a real opinion on things and you are learning something. Maybe it's something you can use in everyday life, or maybe you're just learning about the human condition or whatever. It doesn't matter so much exactly what it is, the cat can write and he or she is holding your interest. Maybe their dog has an ulcer and they are worried about whether it will survive. They love that dog and are worried so much and their little girl has hysterics and is crying. They even post a couple pictures of when the dog was a puppy under the tree at Christmas. they got you.

Then you realize the post is from december of 2007. And the story is done. You are thinking, what the fuck happened to that dog? or "Did this blogger have a car accident and die? Maybe on the way to the vet?"

And it is sad man. Sad that people stop writing. I can understand why. I mean, I have had two products that really could help people, and no one buys them or even downloads them for free, and you think to yourself "what the fuck? why am I even bothering?" Herman Melville died pennyless. So many well known best selling authors and other artists die alone and sad.

And yeah, that puppy may have died, but at least it was loved for what it brought tot he table. And it didn't care if no one outside its circle even knew about it. Dogs are unconditional love if you treat them even somewhat well. Feed it and don't kick it and odds are it will love you forever.

This isn't an abandoned blog although it is neglected sometimes. If it was a dog it would have died of starvation by now.

I am sad especially for the blogs that were loved for a year or more, but then, nothing.. quote the raven nevermore. Nevermore to hear the trivial interesting details of someone who is willing to write the truth as no on else can. And you know you can really write the truth when you don't think anyone you know (or maybe no one at all) will read it.

I'm no Melville or Poe, but they are not me either. I hope that this causes at least one person to go back and give their old blog CPR. Revive it and bring it back to life for the joy the writing gives you. You never know who is going to read it, but you shouldn't write for that reason alone.

Where have all the writers gone? Long time passing.