Friday, August 14, 2009

$4500 in dental bills?

In an article on CNN it was stated that 7 in 10 Americans think the health care system needs major restructuring. No shit. And I mean that as, no shit it needs restructuring.

I am employed, at least for the time being, and have to pay into the system for medical and dental insurance for me and my family. Any given trip can turn our whole financial status into a juggling act. Example, my youngest daughter had some issues and needed to get blood work. The doctor decided that, not me. So we take her to get blood work and then we get a bill for $400. Ouch, WTF? What am I paying for health insurance for, if not to cover things the doctor orders? To add insult to injury, the results were borderline, so they order another batch. You know the people ordering another round of tests aren’t paying for the tests.

I go to the dentist. Studies have shown that dental infections actually have huge impact on overall health. I personally know two people who were sickly, and had all their teeth removed, got dentures and started enjoying a vastly improved state of well being. So dental care is important. As if you didn’t already know that.

I go to the dentist and get an exam, and afterwords they take me into a back room where I meet with a financial consultant to figure out how to pay for around $4,500 worth of repairs and stuff. $4500 dollars? And my teeth aren’t in bad shape. What’s wrong with that picture? They offer multi-year financing packages. Mind you that $4500 isn’t for my family, it’s just for me.

I had a co-pay there plus an up-front fee, totally around $200. That was for my exam. Then they sent a bill for another $100. I did mention I have dental insurance, right? I pay for a premium plan, which covers almost nothing whatsoever.

The point is, the system is broken. I can’t really afford to go to the dentist and the extended doctor bills prevent any sort of savings, or drain any savings I may have had. The punch line is that I have health insurance. What the hell do all the people do who are unemployed, employed part time, disability or whatever do?

There is debate if we as a country need to change things. I see people holding signs at right wing rallys saying “keep your change.” Well, for 8 years the Republicans didn’t do a whole lot to address all this. Now the shit hits the fan as the new President tries to do something to take care of this. People say we can’t afford it, but we don’t have an option. We pay for healthcare through insurance premiums and taxes anyway, we need to define it, and make it so everyone can afford to get the care they need.

Here’s the link to the article, if you’re interested.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

An Odd One

This has been a really odd week. I was exhausted after working 10+ hours on Saturday (First time I’ve worked a Saturday in at least five years) and that surprised me. I used to work 7 days a week at the steel mill and never was so tired after a shift. Deb and I then went to visit some friends for dinner and we didn’t get home until around 11. Sorta late, but after that day I was dragging.

Sunday I was supposed to have rehearsal for Dutch Blitzkrieg, and I just couldn’t do it. I hardly wanted to get out of my chair, and couldn’t see any energy available, so I bailed on that. I almost never miss rehearsals. So I go to work Monday and I feel OK. I have a busy day and eat a burger leftover from Sunday’s dinner and around 130 or 2 I start feeling really bad. Doubled over in pain. I think, seriously, that I am having a heart attack. It doesn’t abate. After about fifteen minutes I leave work, without a word to anyone.

I am clutching my gut and feel like I ought to vomit. This is for the whole drive home. I am constantly looking for where I can pull over in case I do have a heart attack. I am seriously feeling very ill. I get home and eventually start to throw up, just a little bit. I do this on and off for hours. I’m figuring that I had food poisoning, although I couldn’t swear to it.

In the back of my mind I am hoping to feel a little better because I have an audition for Catch 22 at 7pm. By six I am feeling a little better. Pain has scaled back a couple notches and I am not heaving anymore. So Deb and I go to auditions. (the show must go on) And they go well. I am cast, but haven’t heard what parts yet. It’s a multi-part show with all the actors taking multiple roles. Deb is also in the cast.

Tuesday I wake up and still have this stomach pain, but it is minor compared to the day before. I decide to take a vacation day and sleep in until almost 11. That is pretty much unheard of for me. Guess my body needed to recuperate. I am also preparing for a paranormal meeting for Tuesday night. getting some evidence together. We have two hunts to reveal and evidence is not falling into place. There is a lot of stuff to go through, and I am not in the mood, but it has to be done.

We have the meeting and it goes well. I actually have people wanting to help with the editing and evidence compilation. That is what I needed to hear. I was feeling overwhelmed with it. I have been doing all of that for the past year with little help. It was wearing on me.