Friday, June 19, 2009

Lost my six jets, what a drag!

In the "life is crazy" category, I feel bad for the texas billionaire, Allen Something or other, who lost his six private jets, as the government is prosecuting him on a ponzi scheme.

He was complaining because he now has to go through security like most people. "I have to take my shoes off now" wah!

I am one of those odd people who actually likes to fly and don't mind the shoe thing too much. If I am flying it means I have something to do, and I have a budget to do it. That's the positive side of life.

Of course with that weird crash of the Air France jet, you have to wonder what is safe? I guess the odds are still in our favor flying, but when the engine in my Jeep fails, I can pull over to the side of the road.

Speaking of road, the road trip to Chicago and Second City is right around the corner. I'll be traveling with Andi and Adam, that should be interesting in its on right. I almost said it will be a trip. And it will, in all senses of the word.

Spending time back in Chicago. All of it is going to be amazing.

Oh, by the way, # yeah and $. I did a search on symbols in google and yahoo, and neither of those showed up. What does that mean?

Friday, June 12, 2009

blogosphere facebook twitter, et al

How much is too much? On Tuesday night my youngest daughter graduated from high school and one of the speeches was about how techical information was doubling every couple years now. Computers have gotten faster since you started reading this article. (barely joking there)

Social networking sites, online communication, tweet, twitter, faceSpace, MyBook, my other book, online articles, internet, brown paper tickets, online booking, my vacation –>priceline expedia cheap tickets. AAAAAHHHHHH!

Am I on overload yet? How the frack are we supposed to keep up with all this, or maybe should we even try? Twelve years ago I was on the cutting edge. I had an online blog, Chronological Disorder on GeoCities. Now I have blogs for four or five functions. Plus tracking SEO content, keywords, google ads, adwords, craigslist, freecycle. Wow the list just keeps on going.

Soon I am going to have to have a firewire jack into my skull. It’s coming, mark my words, it is coming. Do I want that? Maybe I should really learn how to type instead of this odd Mavis Beacon style of half knowing where keys are located. Hold on a second I have a text coming in on my phone. (full qwerty keyboard, not an option, a necessity) now I forward the text to Twitter, gotta keep my followers happy. They are hungry to hear of my latest non-event. Did I just cough? Better twit it.

Where are we all going with this? There is a split in the world with the online and the offline. I have events in my life that my younger brother never knows about, parties, shows, gigs…He’s of the off line group. He doesn’t want an on line life, and doesn’t see the need. My 80 year old mother has e-mail, my younger brother doesn’t. Huh?

I think we are nearly at the point where if you don’t have an internet connection you are going to be left behind. I will never give up my on line life, but sometimes I really wonder what would happen if I did.

Have I mentioned I am now involved in another business as a full partner? Coaching Tools and HR support material. Very rich package.

Slumdog Millionaire and the return of "The Amish Oracle"

Not really sure why I had two of the same posts and I don't know how to delete one, so I'll just post another bit of info.

Last night we finally watched Slumdog Millionaire and I have to say I was not really impressed. Why was this film the darling of the Oscars? I’m not saying I didn’t like it, but it was just OK. On the bright side, I didn’t pay for the rental. Steph and Zack had friends spend the night and one of Steph’s friends rented it. We just glommed on her rental. Hey it was just sitting around the house begging to be viewed again.

When did sleepovers become a part of American teen life? I know when I was a kid the only time there was a sleepover was if we were setting up a tent in the yard and building a fire and making smores and all that good stuff. And that was rare. I mean, I always heard about girls having slumber parties, but that was also not like a regular thing. Now it’s like my kids have someone over, or they are spending the night elsewhere, nearly every weekend. Funny how things change.

Back to Slumdog, I am still trying to figure out the popularity. The story was pretty good. **Spoiler alert** Spoiler alert even though probably everyone else has already seen this movie. I am usually last in line. Who doesn’t want to see someone who in enherently good win in the end? But wait. He wasn’t all that good. Stealing shoes, cheating tourists, in trouble with the law. The most crazy part was when he jumped into the shit and was covered head to toe with crap. I almost gagged. So yeah, coincidentally all the answers on the millionaire show tied right in with his odd life story. So if there would have been one question where he didn’t have a Colt shoved in his face, he might have missed that. The odds are so ridiculous, who could really believe it? And then the police are torturing him to find out how he’s cheating to win the game? Is that really even remotely possible?

I dunno. I’ll just let that go now.

On other fronts, we had a good rehearsal for Dutch Blitzkrieg yesterday. The new show is coming together nicely. You’ll see some old favorites like the Amish Oracle and The Dating Game, but there are also some new games like Four Square and Evil Twin. The show is going to be our best ever. Boy Wonder Productions are also coming back in July to film a documentary about us. Did I already mention that? That’ll all be after the Chicago trip which is going to be awesome.