Thursday, November 29, 2007


I got season one of Heroes on DVD yesterday and got to watch the 'never aired' pilot episode. Very cool stuff.
It got me thinking that the show really touches people because we all like to think that something is manifesting for us and that people will see that we are special.

The thing is, there is no magic that happens external. The real magic happens inside of us. There is 'special' in there and we need to let it out. So many people hold it inside - or worse yet - somehow are blind to what is special inside them. What are your gifts and talents? Does the world know about them? How can you expect to be recognised for having gifts without giving them to others?

I can hear people saying that they don't have gifts or talents, or they don't want to be recognised for them. I say you are cheating the world. You don't have to be able to fly to be special. Your outreach at the grocery store getting a pint of cream from the top shelf for the person who can't reach it, that's a gift to them. Or do you ignore them and walk by as they struggle?

Perhaps Michealangelo could have stayed in his own village, sculpting presents for his friends and family after putting in his time in the fields, but would that have served humanity? You don't have to be Michaelangelo, but if you keep your gifts to yourself you are robbing the rest of us, as surely as a bandit at a bank. Can you imagine Michaelangelo saying to his mother, "Mom, I really hate going out to the field and weeding. I wish someone would stop by and notice how great that bowl I made for you." Not a chance. He took his talent and developed it by sitting at the feet of masters until he became one himself.

That's one thing that all the great people in the world have had in common. They didn't spring forth from the womb fully developed and with legions of fans. The process began as individuals who felt drawn to something, and then they found teachers to take them to the next level.

We all find the teachers, if we are looking for them. The process may start in elementary school or sometime in your adult life, but if you are looking, the teacher will appear. I returned to college in my thirties and found encouragement. I found mentors like Bob Doyle, who I met long before he was famous and in The Secret. My education continued with Harv Ecker and Jack Canfield along with a host of others. Whether one on one, on-line, in a seminar or in a book; your education (formal and informal) molds who you are.

What you are is a gift to the world. Whether you decide to give that gift is up to you. We are all hero's. There are people in your life, past or present, who found you to be a gift and who looked upon you as a hero. It may have been someone who you helped change a tire, or someone you just posted a comment to. Those small acts can change people's lives. Everything you do impacts the people around you.

I thank all of you for being a part of my life and helping to make me the best me I can be.
I love you for that.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

veteran's day (usa)

I thank all the veterans and currently active service people who have taken a step that most people in this country have not. There is a need for defense of our country and its' principals. We need to step up to the plate when there is a need. I feel like there was definitely a need to go to war and hunt down Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. He was directly related to the attack on the twin towers and Pentagon.

I will qualify this also by saying I am a veteran. I put in 13 years of duty between active Army and nine years of reserve time. My father was in the Air Force for 30 plus years, and my Uncle was career Army. We are a patriotic family. I am tired of being labeled unpatriotic by some factions, simply because I do not support Bush's war in IRAQ. I think the way he got us into that war was illegal and that he will leave office and the war will be a legacy that future presidents will be left to try and clean up.

The reasons for us being in IRAQ are totally revamped on a regular basis. Are we there because they were somehow linked to the terror attacks? Remember the 'war on terror'? Are we there because of weapons of mass destruction? Are we there because Bush wanted revenge for his father not being able to capture Sadam in the first Gulf War? Are we there because of oil? (nudge nudge) If so, why are oil prices constantly rising since we invaded IRAQ? Is it a co-incidence that the administration is completely tied in to oil companies?

There are too many factors in this war that make no sense to me. I don't want to join the conspiracy theorists. History may unravel the connections and we may someday know 'the truth' of what really is going on, but history is written by those who win wars and dominate society, so we may never know.

I hope that future deaths (murders) in Iraq are limited and that somehow we get out of there soon. I don't know how that is going to happen, and I know that the government is also at a loss for what path to take. I hope and pray that our troops come home. I support them wholeheartedly, but can't support the 'why' of the war, since there seems to be no consensus on that anyway.

Happy Veteran's day. Everyone needs to back the troops and know that that doesn't mean you back the war or the reasoning behind it. It is not anti-patriotic to be against the war. Remember the same anti-patriot cries were voiced against the founders of our country as they spoke out about what they felt was the road that we needed to travel.

Love to all,


Sunday, November 11, 2007


the show last night went well. I dropped a couple lines on the "Identity Theft" but "The Lightning Train" went off perfect. The most important thing, the audience really enjoyed them. The authors were at the show and both liked the performance. I'm not sure if straight shows are for me. I much prefer musicals. I may post a clip of them at some point.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Subconscious Mind

How do we think? Not even why do we think, but how? What controls the processes we go through to arrive at any decision we make? I thought about this (although I don't know how I thought about it), but I thought about this when I put together my program at The program is, more or less, shareware for your brain. you can use it and if you like it, come back and pay for it.

The reason I am blogging about the program is because I watched a ZeFrank Video

another link here in case the imbed didn't work for your system
the show with zefrank

and Ze expressed some similar thoughts toward the subconscious minnd. Our conscious mind is mostly just along for the ride with the subconscious making major decisions. Why do I have trouble memorizing lines for a play or the multiplication table (still) when my subconscious mind knows the answers? It's my conscious mind refusing to cooperate. I need to get that in line by reprogramming my subconscious to stop blocking the store of knowledge that I own.

Both my 10 minute transformation site and my site use the same methods. One is to help you move on and accomplish your goals and dreams and the other is for making you feel better about you. Stop blocking yourself and move on to bigger and better things. Don't you deserve that? Shouldn't you start now?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I have, in the past, talked about the importance of having confidence and high self-esteem. One of my websites, is about building self-esteem. (It's free and effective)
Last night I had a prime example of what happens when you lose that confidence in yourself. I am in the final week of rehearsals for a show I am in, and we had our first rehearsal on site and in costume (longstoryshort- period piece, being played at a local museum, original plays, one acts, first time ever performed)

I had a good first show, dropped one or two lines, but overall it went well. during the second show I stumbled on some lines and lost my confidence. The next two scenes were really bad. I did not have time to reset and clear my head and all my lines ended up as a mad jumble in my head. One of the directors (under a great deal of stress) got upset and wanted to continue running the two jumbled scenes, but in my head I felt that I needed to stop rehearsals and re-cement the lines in correct order in my head.

What is more important? We need to be able to complete scenes, even if all the proper lines are lost. We need 'ad lib' skills to get back on track, so the show can go on.

It all tied back to confidence level. In my living room my confidence level is high. In performance mode, for some reason, my confidence level was shaken by a few dropped lines. The best thing to do is restore confidence and move back into the high level of performance I usually have. It's all a mental preparation thing. The confidence building tools on the self esteem site work well. They are not a 50 yard dash to confidence. It is a three week exercise that will not work for what is going on in my head today.
Today, I must know that everything I need is already inside me. I know the lines; I know my capabilities. I am a professional and I will triumph.

What tools do you need? What do you do to succeed? The path to great success involves continuous effort and ongoing education. Together we will all make it.